  Saturday, December 14, 2024
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Westminster Kennel Club event  
The Westminster Kennel Club event helps select different dog breeds to be first in their categories. This year, Westminster Kennel Club had bigger selection and my view better selection than last year. There were many good breeds and competition for the first place was fierce.

The good news for American dog breeders is that a 10 year old Sussex Spaniel won the top prize and rightly so. It is good to see that American dogs are getting better recognition at the Westminster Kennel Club event. Sussex Spaniel called Stump, the oldest winner ever at the Westminster Kennel Club history. Stump actually won the first place in his group which is the sporting group, but then his performance and form was near perfect that allowed him to win best in show title.

There were almost 2,500 dog entries representing over 170 breeds in the show with Uno being popular dog since he won last year. All in all, this year Westminster Kennel Club event was a success story.

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