"The master determines the servant" may sound metaphorical yet it simply means that servants are chosen depending on the lifestyle and needs of the master. Of course, a master who loves to travel will not choose a servant who is suffering from travel phobia.
This symmetry applies not only in human to human relationships but in human-animal relationships as well, the most popular being man and dog pets. Before getting a dog for a pet, one must consider who will be the "masters".
There are a variety of dogs in the market, and the first thing to consider is the type of dog to buy. It is best to know the personality and behavior of the breed you have in mind. One must evaluate the needs of the pet and the master, so as some breeds require more time for caring and maintenance. This will allow the would-be owner to make adjustments in his daily schedule whenever necessary.
Identifying the characteristics of the dog you plan to buy is a very important pre-buying step. This is because it is very difficult to change inherent characteristics of dogs, no matter how hard they are trained. Just like humans, there are characteristics that are inborn and cannot be changed. The words of Canine authority Roger Caras, "Never buy the puppy. Buy the dog the puppy one day will be", is wise to follow.
For beginners, it is recommended that they get calm dog breeds.
Calm dog breeds are tender, friendly and easy to handle. There are different types of calm dog breeds and they come in various forms and shapes. Some good examples of this type are: Yorkshire Terrier, Cocker Spaniel, Toy Poodle, Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever.
These breeds are likewise recommended for children. Often, it is the children who prod their parents to have dogs. Parents heed their kids' pleas because behavior experts say, dogs teach children the sense of responsibility and molds their social personality.
Once the rapport is established, children and pets eventually become best friends, so choosing the right breed is important. Parents don't want their children to be hurt, more so that kids and dogs will be expected to stay together for long hours in a day. Parents would not "entrust" their kids to "harmful dogs".
Getting a dog for a household pet is not as easy as it seems to be. The dangers are always imminent, so careful selection is imperative. The most appealing dog breed as far as the physical looks is concerned, does not necessarily mean this is the best dog for your home. On the contrary, what appears to be inferior in physical appearance may be the best dog for your lifestyle and children. It is therefore not enough to look at physical appearances for just as practiced in human relations, "a book should not be judged by its cover".